Tuesday 12 April 2011

Crochet Critters

With a convention coming up soon, it's time to get as many different bits of stock finished off as I can in time.  Convention in question is the modestly proportioned Confuzzled in Manchester: http://www.confuzzled.org.uk/speakeasy/  This year they have a 1920s theme, but most of my work is, unfortunately, not on theme due to not having the time to create stuff specifically for that.

However, I have been working away at these little things that I've dubbed Crochet Critters.  About fist sized and made from multicoloured yarn they're little balls of random.  These are just the first three examples, I should end up with about 20 of them, all unique, providing I have the time to devote to making them of course.

From left to right we have Seaweed Cat, Dragon Ball and Pompom.  Each new one will get a name and a name tag as I go along.

Sunday 10 April 2011

New Start

A little while ago life had got the better of me and I went through and made a mass deletion of various blogs and information.  Happily, things are resolved and I've realised the error of that decision, so this is to be a fresh start.

This blog will focus on the items I create for my small business Stone Orchid Creations.  Primarily I produce artwork, but I produce other items as well so this seems as sensible a place as any to showcase those things.

Updates will likely be sporadic as is the nature of the work, but I will attempt to release an update at least once a month.

To begin with I've decided to share a few of my favourite artworks with some details about them.

This painting was based on a photograph for the anatomy with the cloth and mask imagined afterwards.  Part of a slowly progressing themed series of paintings featuring men dressed to depict birds this one is as the title suggests a Magpie.  Created on Bristol Board paper in acrylic paint and watercolour pencils, this piece has around 20 hours work in it and is approximately A3 in size.

"Jebediah Huufenbacher"
This piece was created as a sketch just to see what I could do by way of translating my imagination into a painting.  The entire piece is completed in watercolour with some finer details being picked out in coloured pencil.  As a challenge to myself I used a webcam to provide a live show of the piece emerging from barely-visible sketch into fully coloured completion for those watching.  Much like Magpie, this piece took many hours to complete over the course of several days but remains one of my favourites.  This piece is completed on A4 sized Bristol Board in watercolour and coloured pencils.

A small piece, this is something of a milestone for my work.  Created by commission, this piece is only A5 in size and shows a pair of hands praying with a stained glass window behind.  The reason this is a milestone is that I've always had the greatest difficulty depicting hands but this bears some resemblance to them I think.  Completed on Bristol Board in watercolour and coloured pencils.

"The Laughing Zebra"
This piece is tiny but another of my favourites.  The texture of smooth fur and bristly mane always pleases me when I look at this miniature and the happy, laughing expression of the zebra is delightful.  Completed in watercolour and coloured pencil on Bristol Board.


Watch this space for the next update when I should be showing some of the Crochet Critters that I've begun producing and some more artwork.